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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Magic Video: This is how a gambler cheat you

In the card game called "Capsa" (or Big Two in English) having 13 cards consist of Ace of Spade to King of Spade is the highest form of this card game. An almost impossible to get this combination, no other form can defeat this combination.

The idea came when I was thinking how to cheat my friend in a Capsa (Big Two) game. I was trying to cheat by getting 2 or 3 cards that I needed. By the time goes on, I have an idea to deal all 13 cards that no one can defeat it, in this case I deal Ace to King of Spades, the highest form of the game. I searched some card technique in some old magic books, and I found this technique in this video to make it possible to deal all 13 highest card.

This is it, please enjoy the show! : )

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Periksa Payudara Sendiri (SADARI)

Dalam mendeteksi adanya tumor atau kanker payudara, ternyata tidak harus selalu menggunakan teknologi radiografi yang canggih dan memakan biaya yang tidak murah. Anda sebagai seorang wanita memiliki peran penting untuk melakukan deteksi dini. Ada sebuah metode sederhana yang sangat disarankan oleh para dokter spesialis kebidanan yang disebut SADARI atau Periksa Payudara Sendiri. Melalui metode ini Anda bisa menemukan kelainan atau benjolan pada payudara Anda sedini mungkin sebelum kelainan atau benjolan tersebut menjadi lebih besar dan menimbulkan gejala yang lebih serius. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Deteksi Kanker Payudara dengan Nyaman

Automated Breast Volume Scanner
Kanker payudara menjadi ketakutan sendiri bagi para wanita, karena terkadang timbul tanpa disadari. Akhir-akhir ini kaum wanita sudah mulai menyadari betapa pentingnya melakukan deteksi dini terhadap kanker payudara, karena akan lebih mudah dilakukan terapi pada kanker payudara dalam ukuran kecil dibandingkan jika sudah dalam stadium lanjut. Oleh karena itu, saat ini banyak dokter kebidanan yang mengajarkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (atau biasa dikenal dengan teknik "SADARI") yang ternyata dapat menjadi deteksi dini adanya benjolan atau tumor pada payudara.

Magic Secret: Simple Coin Across

One of my first time magic trick. About 15 years ago a girl named Hanna show me this coin trick and I'm very amazed that time. I beg her a few times to teach me this trick. Once I know the trick, it;s not so hard to learned it.

So now, I'm here to share with you the secret of this magic trick. I don't know what's the trick name. I just called it Simple Coin Across, because it is really simple but have amazing effect once you master it.

Enjoy! Happy magic : )

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Coin Across (Magic Video)

This is one of my first time trick. I learned this Coin Across about 12 or 13 years ago. Some of the people think this trick is too old, but I think it is still enjoyable. I like the effect where the coin across from one hand to another hand through the air.

Many magicians play coin across with their own way, some play with 4 coins, some with 6 coins, but I used to play with 8 coins. In Indonesia, this tricks used to be called "8 Dewa" or "8 of Gods" if we translate it in English.

If you are a magician, try a Coin Across routine in part of your show (close up show of course, such as table hoping and street magic), believe me it is simple but your audience will applause for you.

For you who are not a magician, please don't think too hard for the secret behind it and enjoy the show : )

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Apa Itu Migrain?

Sebagian besar dari kita pasti pernah mengalami sakit kepala sebelah. Kita sudah tidak asing lagi jika mendengar istilah migrain dan langsung bisa mengartikannya sebagai sakit kepala sebelah. Lalu, sebenarnya apakah sakit kepala sebelah yang dialami oleh sebagian besar orang ini adalah migrain?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Coin Matrix (Magic Video)

I think this is a unique coin magic routine which combine coins and cards. Not many coin magic routine that could be combined with card. I try to learn this coin magic routine called Coin Matrix, and this is the result.
Please, enjoy the show! : )